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Welcome to your new skill set. In this guide, you’re going to learn the best ways to choose knives, take care of them, and cut almost anything (without cutting yourself). These aren’t necessarily the knife skills that aspiring chefs learn at cooking school; they are the skills that we, as home cooks, consider the easiest and quickest routes to the food we want to cook. The videos are here for both inspiration and education: watch all the way through before embarking on an entirely new skill.
How to Hold a KnifeThe cutting hand, which grips the knife, has the star turn, but the other hand is an important supporting player. That helping hand holds, nudges and stabilizes the ingredient being cut, to maximize safety and efficiency.  Karsten Moran for The New York Times THE GRIPFor the knife grip used by most chefs, the palm of the hand chokes up on the handle, while the thumb and index finger grip the top of the blade. This is different from how many home cooks hold a knife, by wrapping the entire hand around the handle. The chef’s grip has evolved that way for a reason: it’s the most efficient way to use the weight of the knife, the sharpness of its blade, and the strength of your arms, which makes for the easiest cutting.  Karsten Moran for The New York Times THE HELPING HANDThe ideal position for the helping hand is called the bear claw, with the fingertips curled under and knuckles pressing down on the ingredient to keep it from rolling or sliding. It may feel odd, but it’s the safest place for your fingertips to be in relation to the cutting blade. Alternatively, bunch your fingertips together and rest the pads on top of the ingredient. In a perfect world, while the hand that is holding the knife moves forward and back to cut, the helping hand moves across in even increments, creating perfect slices. (Do not despair; this takes practice, and is hardly a requirement for home cooks.) TIPS FOR YOUR GRIPOverall, the best way to handle a knife is the way that feels safest to you. Here are a few principles to live by: • The knife handle shouldn’t be held in a death grip: try to relax hands and wrists and let the blade do the cutting. • Position all 10 fingers so it’s virtually impossible for the blade to cut them. • The hand holding the knife should be gripping the blade as well as the handle. • The knife moves in a rocking motion, from front to back, as well as up and down. • The knife should be at the same height or just below your elbows, so that the whole upper body, not just the hands, can put downward pressure on the knife.
ChopIt’s no wonder some people hate cooking: if a basic task like chopping carrots takes forever, making an entire dish is drudgery. That’s why becoming efficient with a knife is so helpful. And in that effort, chopping is your greatest ally. Unlike professional chefs, who routinely dice their ingredients into measured cubes, home cooks can usually keep it rough, as long as all the pieces end up about the same size. CHOP GARLICTo chop a garlic clove, place your unpeeled clove on a chopping board, and place the blade of your chef’s knife flat against its side, parallel to your chopping surface. With a swift motion, and taking care to avoid the edge of the blade, strike the knife blade to smash the clove. Remove the skin, and repeat the process with each clove you need for your recipe. Cut off the root ends and discard. Then, take a clove and hold it firmly on the the cutting board. Slice thickly from the root end to the tip. To chop, pile up the pieces of garlic, hold together, and and chop them. CHOP PARSLEYUse a chef’s knife to chop leafy herbs like parsley. Start with clean, dry herbs with stems intact. Hold them in a bunch over your cutting surface, and run your knife through them at a 45-degree angle, trimming off the leaves into a pile. (Discard the stems.) Grab all the leaves into your palm, and using the “claw” grip, push them under your knife, using a rocking motion to chop them. Then, gather all the chopped herbs up, turn the pile 90 degrees, and chop them again for a rough chop. For a medium chop, repeat the process twice more. And for mincing, repeat it three to four times more. CHOP A CARROTTo chop a carrot, start with clean, peeled vegetables. Use a chef’s knife to chop each carrot crosswise into pieces of equal length, and then cut through those pieces lengthwise. Place the pieces cut-side down on the board, and slice across into half moons. For a rough chop, cut the half-moon pieces across, into roughly equal quarter moons. For a medium chop, pile up those smaller half-moon pieces and, using the “claw” grip, push them toward the knife, chopping with a rocking motion. Then repeat. For a fine chop, repeat the process twice more.
DiceMore exact than chopping, dicing is the process by which vegetables and fruits, in all of their irregular and lumpy glory, are turned into small, neat cubes that cook uniformly. Whether chefs are prepping a giant potato or a baby carrot, they reduce the curves and bumps to cubic shapes. When that cube is cut along horizontal and vertical lines, neat dice are the result. We’ll show you how to take fruits and vegetables from a large dice, about 3/4 inch, to a brunoise, a 1/8-inch cube and the smallest dice of all. DICE AN ONIONTo dice an onion, use a chef’s knife to cut the onion in half from the stem tip to the bottom root. Peel, leaving the root intact. Place the half flat side down on a cutting board and rest your fingertips or palm on top. With the other hand, make horizontal slices from the stem toward the root end, about ¼ inch thick, taking care to stop about half an inch before slicing through the root. Then grip the onion with your helping hand, curling your fingertips under so your hand resembles a claw; this helps protect your knuckles and fingertips. Use your cutting hand to make ¼-inch downward slices, starting from the stem and moving toward the root. Slide your “claw” back toward the stem as you move the knife with the other hand. DICE A TOMATOTo dice a tomato, first cut it in equal quarters using a sharp chef’s knife. Pick up a quarter in both hands and gently flatten it by pressing your thumbs against the skin side. This will loosen the flesh on the cut side. Place each quarter skin-side down on your cutting surface, and gently trim the seeds out, leaving the flesh intact. Flip the quarter over and cut the tomato in equal-sized strips from top to bottom, then turn the strips 90 degrees and cut them into equal-size cubes. (This process remains the same regardless of the size dice you are seeking.) DICE A POTATOTo dice a potato, start with a clean, peeled tuber. Using your chef’s knife, trim the rounded edges off the potato, leaving a six-sided rectangle. For a large dice, cut the potato lengthwise in equal parts, and then flip the pieces over on their sides. Cut each piece across in equal sizes. For a medium dice, cut your rectangle into three pieces lengthwise, and then cut each piece in half lengthwise. Then, cut those pieces across into equal-sized dice. For a small dice, repeat that process, but make smaller cuts.
Slice & CutWhen cutting ingredients into larger pieces – like a round slice of tomato, lemon or cucumber, or a wedge of apple – the choice of knife and how it moves most often depend on the texture of the ingredient. Although a super-sharp chef’s knife can be used to slice a tomato or lemon in quick downward strokes, many home cooks will prefer the controlled back-and-forth sawing motion of a serrated knife. Either way, the goal is to have smooth slices of even thickness. SLICE A TOMATOTo slice a tomato, you’ll need a utility knife (for coring) and a serrated knife. Holding the tomato core-side up, take your utility knife and cut around the core, into the tomato, at an angle. Remove the core, and lay the tomato on its side. Starting from the core end, cut equal-size slices with a serrated knife, using a gentle back-and-forth motion. When the tomato becomes too small to grip, place the remained, flesh side down, on your cutting surface and slice horizontally. SLICE AN APPLEA wedge cut is superbly useful for filling a pie or cobbler with fruit. To slice an apple into wedges, first turn the whole fruit upside down, resting it on the stem end. Using a chef’s knife or utility knife, cut straight down from the bottom end through to your cutting surface, creating two halves. Place a half, flesh side down, on the cutting board and cut it in half vertically. Then cut each quarter in another half vertically. You should finish with eight wedges. Take each wedge and cut off the slender edge; that will take away the seeds and any tougher parts of the core. ROLL CUT A CARROT“Oblique” or roll cuts are extremely useful for preparing large, rustic vegetable chunks for roasting or to simmer in a stew. The method shown here is called roll cutting, because the vegetable is continuously rolled on the cutting board while the knife keeps making the same cut. To roll cut, hold a peeled carrot (or a banana, parsnip or other long round vegetable) firmly on your cutting surface. Using your chef’s knife, cut the tip of the carrot diagonally. Then roll the carrot 90 degrees and cut down again at the same angle about an inch from the previous cut. Repeat until the carrot is cut into irregular wedges.
Chiffonade & JulienneHome cooks are most likely to use these long, slim cuts for ingredients that are going into stir-fries and salads, for tough greens destined for the cooking pot, or to make fluffy garnishes from soft herbs and scallions. They’re also useful for making raw vegetable platters look their most elegant. CHIFFONADE BASILSlicing basil or any leafy green into a chiffonade gives you long uniform strands, perfect for mixing into a stir-fry or a salad. To chiffonade basil, pick the cleaned leaves from the stem, and stack the leaves lengthwise together. Then, roll the leaves fairly tightly together into a sort of basil cigar. Using your chef’s knife, cut across the roll to make slices about 1/4 inch thick. Keep the tip of your knife on the cutting surface and move the base of the blade in a rocking motion as you cut; this will provide stability and help the cutting go faster. JULIENNE CELERYTo julienne celery, place your celery stalk on a cutting surface and trim the tough end and the leaves. Cut crosswise into pieces about two inches long. Place one piece, curved side up, on your cutting surface. Using a rocking motion with your chef’s knife, slice the piece from top to bottom into slender lengths. When the remaining piece gets too small to hold safely, turn it on its side and slice more.
Basic Knife DrawerIn any craft, having just the right tool for the job makes the task easier. In cooking, there are knives for specific tasks like carving, filleting and slicing. But with just a few versatile knives, you can perform virtually any task in the kitchen.  Karsten Moran for The New York Times THE ESSENTIALSThese are the knives you’ll use most often in your kitchen. With these three, you can perform almost any task. Chef’s knife: A classic chef’s knife, with its broad, tapering blade, sharp tip and chunky handle is the workhorse of the kitchen. Practicing with one really will make you a better cook: they are sharper, stronger and they do more of the work for you than smaller knives. For many home cooks, an 8-inch blade with a plastic handle is perfect, especially to start. Work up to a 10-inch knife, which is more efficient overall. When buying, look for a comfortable handle and a blade that is thicker at the base than at the tip. Utility knife: These small knives are in constant use in most home kitchens, so it’s worth having three or four. Many home cooks use these knives for virtually every job: their short blades, 3 to 4 inches long, makes them easier to control. They are best for small soft ingredients like shallots, mushrooms and peaches. Inexpensive thin-bladed knives with plastic handles are often the most practical choice. Small knives are difficult for home cooks to sharpen, and so simply replacing them when they get dull is nothing to be ashamed of. Serrated knife: A large serrated knife ( a 10-inch blade is standard) is useful not only for slicing bread but for sawing through ingredients with firm rinds like butternut squash, lemons, watermelon and pineapples. The scalloped cutting edge makes neat slices of soft-skinned ingredients like tomatoes and eggplants.  Karsten Moran for The New York Times THE EXTRASThese knives are nice to have, but they aren’t necessary for most kitchen work. Boning or filleting knife: Both boning knifes and fillet knifes are useful for cutting up raw meat, poultry and fish, but it’s highly unlikely that you’ll need both in a home kitchen: each has a long, thin blade and a curved, sharp tip. A boning knife’s blade is more rigid, making it better for meat and whole birds; the filleting knife has a flexible blade that helps it follow the curved shape of fish skeletons and chicken breasts. Carving knife: A carving knife is used for cooked cuts of meat and poultry. Its long knife has a sharply pointed tip and a narrower blade than a chef’s knife, the better to cut into joints and along bones. Santoku knife: Like a chef’s knife, this East-West hybrid can be used for most prep work. This blade is straight like a Japanese bocho or vegetable knife, not curved like a Western chef’s knife – so, as with a Chinese cleaver, the cook uses a simple up-and-down motion for cutting, not rocking back-and-forth. If you are used to a santoku or another Asian knife, by all means use it instead of a chef’s knife, but it doesn’t serve a separate purpose in the kitchen. The Sweethome, a product recommendations website owned by The New York Times Company, has a guide to building your own knife set.
Sharpening & StorageHow often do you sharpen your knives? Not very, we’re guessing. Home cooks have a lot of things to take care of, and knives don’t often make it to the top of the list. But keeping knives sharp saves time in the long run, and it keeps you safe as well: sharp knives cut, but dull knives slip. We’ll show you how to sharpen and hone your knives (both necessary) and how to store them. SHARPENINGOnce a knife is dull – test it by drawing the blade along the edge of a piece of paper to see if it cuts – it needs to be sharpened. We strongly recommend using manual, not electric sharpeners. It’s too easy for a home cook to get carried away, exerting too much pressure and making too many strokes, while the whirling machine eats the edge off your knife. With a manual sharpener, use gentle pressure while pulling the knife through, and test often as you go. The Sweethome, a product recommendations website owned by The New York Times Company, has a guide to the best knife-sharpening tool. HONINGMany people don’t know the difference between honing and sharpening. But they are equally important for efficient knife work. Honing, which makes the blade of a knife straight, is done with what’s often (and incorrectly) called a sharpening steel, by drawing the blade over and over along an abrasive rod of metal, ceramic, or stone. Many professionals hone their chefs’ knives daily, but doing it weekly is plenty for most home cooks. It’s a quick process once you feel confident – and it’s fun, making you look, feel, and sound like a serious cook. But remember: honing helps maintain the blade’s sharpness, but doesn’t actually sharpen it. TIPS FOR CARE AND STORAGE• Don’t wait until a knife gets dull before taking care of it. The easiest system involves keeping your knives sharp in the first place, by giving them a quick honing and sharpening every few weeks. • Use a cutting surface that won’t dull them. Glass cutting boards are much too hard. Wood is gentlest, and thick plastic is next best. Make sure boards stay firmly in place on the counter by laying a kitchen towel underneath. The Sweethome, a product recommendations website owned by The New York Times Company, has a guide to the best cutting board. • For storage, prevent nicks — including microscopic ones that dull the blade — by keeping knives away from one another. Store them in a block or on a magnetic strip; place them in a drawer if you don’t want to use counter or wall space. • There’s no reason a knife with a synthetic handle and a stainless-steel or ceramic blade can’t be safely washed in the dishwasher — but you must place them so the knife can’t get jostled around or the edge can’t be chipped. But knives with wood handles, high-carbon-steel blades and other sensitive materials should be washed by hand. • Small utility knives with very thin, flexible blades can’t be sharpened, so it’s best to find an inexpensive type that you like and replace them often. Serrated knives can’t be sharpened either, so keep them out of harm’s way.